International Cases

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Evangelical Fellowship of India & Act Now for Harmony and Democracy v. State of Himachal Pradesh

438 of 2011-A / 4716 of 2011 -E - High Court of India

The constitutional validity of the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2006 was challenged.

R v. Secretary of State for Education and Employment and others (Respondents) ex parte Williamson (Appellant) and others

UKHL 15 (2005) - Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

The claimants contend this ban (total ban on the use of corporal punishment in all schools) is incompatible with their Convention rights.

R. (Shabina Begum) v. Headteacher and Governors of Denbigh High School

UKHL 15 (2006) - Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

The issue contested was that the respondent’s (muslim) exclusion from school, due to repeated violations of the uniform code, unjustifiably limited, inter alia, her right under Article 9 of the Convention to manifest her religion and beliefs.

R (on the application of Hodkin and another) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and Marriages

UKSC 77 (2013) - Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

The appellant practised scientology. She planned to get married in a Church of Scientology.

R (E) v Governing Body of JFS & AnorR (E) v Governing Body of JFS & Anor

UKSC 15 (2009) - Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

E complained that the exclusion of his son, M, from admission to the appellant school had been racially discriminatory.

Zaheeruddin v. State

Civil Appeal No.412 of 1992 - Supreme Court of Pakistan

The issue was whether Ordinance No. XX of 1984, The Anti-Islamic Activities of the Qadiani Group, Lahore Group and Ahmadis (Prohibition and Punishment) Ordinance, 1984 violates the Pakistani Constitution.

S.M.C. No. 1 of 2014 and others (Suo moto actions regarding suicide bomb attack of 222.9.2013 on the Church in Peshawar and regarding threats being given to Kalash tribe and Ismailies in Chitral)

SMC No.1 of 2014 - Supreme Court of Pakistan

Re Suo moto actions regarding suicide bomb attack of 22.9.2013 on the Church in Peshawar and regarding threats being given to Kalash tribe and Ismailies in Chitra being coerced toconvert to a different sect within Islam or to face death.

Asia Bibi v. The State

No.39L of 2015 - Supreme Court of Pakistan

Appellant along with other Muslim ladies was plucking Falsa, uttering derogatory remarks against a Holy Prophet

S.A.S. v France

No. 43835/11 - European Court of Human Rights

A French citizen filed an application against France to challenge the ban on the full face veil (Law no. 2010-1192 of 11 October 2010 entered into force in France on 11 April 2011, prohibiting any person from concealing their face in public).

Rev. Satya Ranjan Majhi and anr. v. State of Orissa and Ors

AIR 2003 Ori 2003 2003 I OLR 404 - High Court of India

The constitutional validity of provisions in the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act 1967